
The repository for the project is

Nix is a package manager available on Linux (x86-64) and Mac (Darwin, x86-64) (and possibly others e.g. Linux i686; unfortunately it is not supported under FreeBSD). SibylFS is also available via nix (see Installing with nix). Nix is likely to be more stable than opam (ie, you are more likely to be able to build using Nix).

N.B. 2016-07-15 nix changed its hashing function recently; unfortunately there are two hashing functions now in existence; if you get a message similar to:

output path ‘/nix/store/77hcsyrhmr70dp720jdhxqfvzfcqyvlr-lem-5b4a168’ has r:sha256 hash ‘19642yadi089p8si87n0rbn0mwwxyvzjrv33g848gaqy811i0zak’ when ‘0z1chfa2q4h7rdzabyjjh3zhgdafjhjhxyna5hd6q11ns88v7xds’ was expected

then you are probably running into this problem; the fix is on branch 2016-07-14_fix_nix from github.

OPAM is the OCaml Package Manager which manages sets of complete OCaml package development environments per user. It's available on Linux, OS X, and FreeBSD. See Installing with OPAM and Developing with OPAM for instructions.

On Linux, the simplest way to install is using prebuilt binaries via nix (see Installing binaries with nix).

Installing with OPAM

  • Ensure you have loaded OPAM's configuration into bash with
eval `opam config env`
  • Or another shell with

    eval opam config env --shell=[sh|csh|zsh|fish]

  • Run

opam install sibylfs

Developing with OPAM

  • Run
git clone
opam pin add sibylfs sibylfs_src

Installing with nix

curl | sh

This requires root access; alternatives without root are described at

  • Use git to clone the SibylFS source code:
git clone
  • This will create a directory sibylfs_src. In the following, paths starting with sibylfs_src/ refer to this directory.

  • Change to the sibylfs_src/ directory:

cd sibylfs_src/
  • Build SibylFS (this may take a long time) by typing:
  • Install SibylFS by typing:
nix-env -i ./result

An example install is as follows:


Installing prebuilt binaries via nix (Linux, Mac)

  • Install nix as above

  • Follow the instructions to make sure your environment is set up:

. <your home directory>/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/
  • Download the prebuilt binaries for your platform. Go to the binary releases page, select the newest release, and download the closure file that corresponds to your architecture:

    • Linux 64-bit binaries: sibylfs_nix_linux_amd64.closure
    • Mac OS X 10.10.3 (and maybe others) 64-bit binaries: sibylfs_nix_mac_amd64.closure
  • Place the binaries in the nix store:

nix-store --import <   [path to downloaded binay]
  • This will print various entries; the last entry will be a path to sibylfs, something like: /nix/store/f77518afhrq1jsih7rgr5y2gc9v8zsi3-fs_test. Now install the binaries into your path:
nix-env -i /nix/store/f77518afhrq1jsih7rgr5y2gc9v8zsi3-fs_test  # N.B. replace this with the path from the import!

Installing plain binaries (Linux)

This option is not really supported, but is probably the quickest way to install (if it works). Go to, select the latest release, and download the .tar.gz file corresponding to your OS and architecture (eg sibylfs_linux_amd64.tar.gz for Linux, 64 bit). Unpack this file:

tar xvzf <file you downloaded>

This should create a directory sibylfs/bin containing the executables. You should place these on your path (or execute from inside that directory).

After installation

SibylFS provides several command-line tools. fs_test --help displays a man page showing the various subcommands available (check, clean, exec etc.). Each subcommand also has online help available. For instance, for the check subcommand usage information is available via fs_test check --help.

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